(The Fourth Blog Post) Adverse Banking and Civil 

Laws Set To Suppress Your Money

(Absorb This Information)

Currently, many of us as families and individuals are emerging from under the cloud of long car lines to receive food handouts because of COVID-19, fearing monthly evictions at any time, losing a dream business, or other wealth-related calamities.

As we remain complacent, major banks are positioning themselves to survive any and all economic storms which may happen at any time at the average consumers' expense. 

There is a safeguard that can block many of these inevitable adverse financial situations. The safeguard is to start converting any spare cash that you have to silver in the choice that you like. Also, convert cash that you won't have until later into various forms of silver and gold that you can physically take possession of. Remember the key is to take possession of it!

It is important that as you accumulate your silver and gold assets that you don't place them in bank safety deposit boxes. The reason is that when a national financial crisis situation activates, banks will have the already legislated power to seize these items as bank property. Also, don't make the mistake of purchasing bank silver or gold certificates instead of actual physical silver and gold coins and bars

The certificates will turn out to be nothing more than a form of paper from which you won't be able to convert to money in times of adverse national financial declarations. Below are listed various laws and declarations that at some time in the future will separate you from your hard-earned funds.

The Expedited Funds Availability Act (EFA or EFAA) was enacted in 1987 by the United States Congress for the purpose of standardizing bank hold periods on deposits made to commercial banks and to regulate the institutions' use of deposit holds

For The Video Can Your Bank Steal Your Money? CLICK HERE  

(Many Are Set To Experience Releaty Shock)

After the 2008 market crash changes were made, The Dodd-Frank Act was put in place to allow for financial reform but in the event of another bank collapse, your money is once again in danger and many average people are not aware of this.

The US and many world economies are starting to rebound from spiraling downhill, however, the national debt has skyrocketed past $26 trillion, the Fed is printing money without abandon and a looming bank collapse is on the horizon, even though it is kept on the down-low.

The economic lockdowns that took place last and this year have put thousands of businesses at risk of closing. Many analysts expect anywhere from 25% to 40% of restaurants to close permanently. Moreover, the percentage of small businesses that will fold will likely also be in the double digits. Nearly half of all US households are considering selling their homes due to financial distress.

When reopening started taking place, at first they proved to be disastrous and we were quickly shutting small businesses down again. However, vaccines are being seen as the equalizer and now there is hope. Be that as it may, big banks in the US are taking steps to prepare for another recession, even though a rose-red atmosphere is being presented to us.

Big banks are doing things; based on their preparations, it seems certain they’re bracing themselves for a major crisis. After a series of defaults that took place in 2008 and 2009, things became so detrimental that Wachovia, one of the largest banks in the country, was taken over by Wells Fargo, which then inherited billions of dollars in loans, similarly to JP Morgan and Citigroup. 

For The Video Silver Backed Digital Currency? CLICK HERE

(The JP Morgan Effect)

JP Morgan, the largest U.S. commercial and investment bank, is increasing its stockpiles of silver, betting that prices will move higher as inflation begins to take hold. Silver historically outperforms during the later stages of a growth cycle and prices are poised to outperform riskier assets.

JP Morgan is increasing its inventory, knowing that prices will eventually surge higher
. JP Morgan’s COMEX silver warehouse now holds the most significant physical silver bullion position of all time.

Many industry watchers are convinced that silver will soon explode in price in a manner of unprecedented proportions, both in terms of previous silver rallies and relative to all other commodities.

By unprecedented, I mean that the price of silver will move suddenly and shockingly higher in a manner never witnessed before, including the great price run-ups in 1980 and 2011
. The highest prior price level of $50 will swiftly be exceeded by $600, $1000, or even unmentioned prices.

Why? Because the need is great for Industrial Fabrication, Jewelry, Silverware, Bullion coins, Silver bars, and Silverware.

Does JP Morgan Really Have All That Silver? CLICK HERE

(Industrial fabrication)

The demand in 2020 was 486.8 million ounces. Silver is the best electrical and thermal conductor of all metals, and so it is used in industrial fabrication, including electrical applications such as conductors, switches, contacts, and fuses.

In electronics
, industrial silver is used mainly in multi-layer ceramic capacitors, in the manufacturing of membrane switches, in silvered film, in electrically heated automobile windshields, in conductive adhesives, and in the preparation of thick-film pastes.

In 2020, demand from industrial applications decreased from the previous year due to coronavirus lockdowns, but in 2021 this segment of the market is expected to rebound and remain a huge driver of the white metal.

Aside from electronics, the silver supply has been used by many other industrial applications. Solar panels, the automotive industry, and brazing and soldering are the main industries in which demand for silver is currently increasing. Here’s a brief rundown of those three categories:

Solar panels — The use of silver in the fabrication of photovoltaic cells, more commonly known as solar panels or solar cells for solar power, is seen as an area of rapid growth in the short to medium term. It is expected that the US will have more than 100 GW of solar power installed by 2021.

Using silver as conductive ink, photovoltaic cells transform sunlight into electricity. In 2020, photovoltaic demand for silver rose to 101 million ounces, up from 98.7 million ounces the previous year.

Automotive industry — Every electrical action in a modern car is activated with silver contacts that are coated. Basic functions such as starting the engine, opening power windows, adjusting power seats, and closing a power trunk are all activated using a silver membrane switch.

Brazing and soldering
— Adding silver to the process of soldering or brazing will help produce smooth, leak-tight, and corrosion-resistant joints when combining metal parts. In addition, silver-brazing alloys are used widely in everything from air conditioning and refrigeration to electric power distribution.

Ten Fascinating Uses for Silver CLICK HERE


The demand in 2020: 148.6 million ounces. Jewelry is often what most people think about when they consider silver demand. And for good reason; when it comes to jewelry, few materials are better suited for it than silver. Lustrous but resilient, the metal responds well to sculpting, requires minimal care, and lasts for a lifetime.

While silver and gold possess similar working qualities, white metal enjoys greater reflectivity and can achieve the most brilliant polish of any metal. The vast amount of silver supply from mine production gets turned into a form of jewelry. In 2020, silver jewelry fabrication decreased significantly under the economic strains of COVID-19, falling to 148.6 million ounces from 201.3 million ounces in 2019.

(Bullion coins and Silver bars)

The demand in 2020: 200.5 million ounces. Minted silver coins were first used in the Eastern Mediterranean region in 550 BCE, and by 269 BCE the Roman Empire had adopted silver as part of its standard coinage. Silver was the main circulating currency until the 19th century when it was gradually phased out of regular coinage.

Even so, silver is still used in some circulating coins, especially in American (the American silver eagle coin), Australian, Canadian, Mexican, and Austrian bullion coins for investors. Silver consumption in terms of coins and bars increased from 185.7 million ounces in 2019 to 200.5 million ounces in 2020.


The demand in 2020: 32.6 million ounces. Sterling silver has been the standard for silver hollowware and silver flatware since the 14th century. Silver cutlery and other decor last for generations as it resists tarnish and is a traditional decoration in homes around the world. Base metal copper is mixed with silver to strengthen it for use as cutlery, bowls, and decorative items.

Much like silver jewelry, in 2020 silver consumption from the silverware industry took a hit from the global pandemic, falling by nearly 50 percent from 2019 levels to 32.6 million ounces in 2020. This is an updated version of an article first published by the Investing News Network in 2017.


(Don't Get Left Behind)

You must set up an "Amazon Silver and Gold Account" now while you can. Smaller firms are drying up and soon will have nothing to sell, just at the height of the silver demand.

I personally
had to drop three of my silver suppliers during the height of COVID 19 because they could not deliver on orders.

Amazon has jumped into the void and is now filling every order in a timely manner, both nationally and internationally. CLICK HERE


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