(Machines of Unknown Purposes) A.K.A. (UFOs)
The First Public Published Encounter of Actual Machines of Unknown Purposes A.K.A. (UFOs) was between (592 bc) and (570 bc); The person making the contact was the Prophet, Ezekiel.
According to" The Prophet Ezekiel", he described a vision of God that appeared to him by the shores of the Chebar River in the Sixth-century B.C.; Here strange creatures with four wings and four faces appeared in the air amid clouds and fire. Accompanying the creatures were "Machines of Unknown Purpose".
The machines were like wheels within wheels (or hoops within hoops), with mysterious “eyes” (possibly portals) set all around their periphery. The wheels or hoops could fly about in the air, and as Ezekiel watched they settled briefly on the ground and then rose up. Their only apparent function was to accompany the winged creatures, whose movements they shadowed.
(Utilize The Common Sense Intended For Us)
Common sense is something that "Our Creator" provided and meant for each and every one of us to utilize as thinking individuals. Unfortunately, we tend to surrender the common sense that we were given by "Our Creator to other entities.
These so-called others include various interest groups, church denominations, political parties, or family traditions that impress upon our thinking their will, rather than what "Our Creator" intended for us to know.
As we approach the end of "The Age of Grace or The Church Age" activity leading up to this event is becoming more and more visible to the average person on the street. Much of the activity is being interpreted as UFOs or something akin to this category realm.
In order to comprehend the magnitude of the transformations that have taken place since "Our Creator" first-created "Angelic Beings" and will in the near future translate "True Believers" to a supernatural status similar to the state of "Angelic Beings", we must utilize clear unbiased thinking and not be persuaded by those with ulterior motives.
The Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit exist outside of the realm of time and space. As humans at this point in time, we operate within specific dimensions, regardless of the numbers that man assigns to them. The Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit have always existed outside of them, to a level beyond our comprehending, no matter how hard we attempt to do so.
An analogy would be like an ant trying to operate a supercomputer. However, believers in the very near future will receive an upgrade to the point that we will be translated and allowed to have personal communication with "Our Creator" just the way that Adam and Eve had before they fell from grace.
Now before the earth was created, "Our Creator" created "The Angelic Beings" and at a later point in time, they watched as "Our Creator" formed earth. The book of Job describes the angels worshiping God as He was creating the world. Outside of "The Three Godhead" just mentioned, the angel Lucifer had extreme authority in the hierarchy of angelic beings.
After the initial creation of the earth, Lucifer was placed in charge which included "The Pre-Adamic Race". This is something that you need to know, in order to put into perspective what is now happening in the world.
Modern-day news reports have been overflowing with direct references to visual sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects or (UFOs). Congress and the Pentagon have recently made major inquiries both public and private about these objects.
Well in effect they were here in the past and as "The End Times Progresses", they are starting to make their presence known again. Ecclesiastes 1:9 King James Version 9 states that the thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
(The First Earth Age)
With that statement in mind, The first age of the earth, according to the theory’s proponents, was a time period prior to Genesis 1:2, when human beings existed as pre-incarnate souls. However, these pre-incarnate souls were not made in the image of "God" and were doomed to perish when the first earth perished, because of Lucifer's (Satan's) rebellion.
Proponents of the first earth age also point to Genesis 1:1, Jeremiah 4:18, and 2 Peter 3 to support their claims. According to the first earth age concept, God initially created the earth many thousands or millions of years ago, but that world was corrupted by the fall of Satan.
In the first earth age view, those who chose to remain loyal to God during that time became the “elect” mentioned in the New Testament and were promised eternal life. In many ways, the first earth age theory ended when Satan and one-third of his fallen angels were kicked out of "The Third Heaven".
Most Christian physicists been blessed with the freedom and opportunity to examine the scientific evidence for the age of the Earth in some detail, and have concluded that it emphatically points to an age of around 4.6 billion years.
In order, the first creation by God was the supreme archangel followed by other archangels, who are identified with lower Intellects. From these Intellects again, emanated lower angels or "moving spheres", from which in turn, emanated other Intellects until it reaches the Intellect, which did reign over "The Pre-Adamic Race".
(Angels Were Created During The First Earth Age)
This VIDEO will clarify many things for you. CLICK HERE
Lucifer who became Satan through sin fell (see Isaiah 14:12–15 and Ezekiel 28:12–15 concerning Satan’s fall from Heaven), we must also consider that when he was created, angels were and are created beings; Colossians 1:16), and several other views on this subject exist.
One view is that God originally created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1), including angels and even pre-Adam men (such as ape-men) with no sole, prior to a huge span of time that proponents believe existed between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
Many who hold to this gap theory believe that numerous events took place during that vast time, including Satan’s fall and the extinction of creatures such as dinosaurs. Often this theory is used to try to harmonize the facts of Genesis 1 with evolution, geological ages involving millions of years, and the like.
“Since they [angels] possessed personhood with its moral self-determination, they were given the choice of remaining loyal to God and serving Him forever or of rebelling against God and serving (sin).” Revelation 12:4 indicates that a third of the angels chose to go with Satan when he fell.
(Lucifer Finds Out About Coming Mankind)
“When God created him [Lucifer] and set him at the head of the angelic hierarchy, He undoubtedly later told Satan of His plans for the universe, including the forthcoming creation of man in His own image.
In view of Satan’s later malevolent preoccupation with man’s destruction, it seems that this intention of God provoked a spirit of resentment in Satan’s mind which so to speak (sent him off the deep end).
He developed an intense personal pride in his own exalted position, his beauty and wisdom, and was displeased that God would create a race of beings in closer fellowship with God than the angels and, furthermore, that He would give them the marvelous ability of reproduction and multiplication, a privilege not shared by the angels.
Satan’s fall from heaven is symbolically described in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:12-18. While these two passages are referring specifically to the kings of Babylon and Tyre, they also reference the spiritual power behind those kings, namely, Satan.
(Satan's Fall Time Period - Then Man's)
These passages describe why Satan fell, but they do not specifically say when the fall occurred. What we do know is this: the angels were created before the earth (Job 38:4-7). Satan fell before he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden (Genesis 3:1-14).
Satan’s fall, therefore, must have occurred somewhere after the time the angels were created and before he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Whether Satan’s fall occurred hours, days, or years before he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden, Scripture does not specifically say.
He [God] has, for a very brief time (a few thousand years out of eternity!), allowed sin and rebellion apparently to rule the world. This has been permitted in order first to respect the reality of man’s freedom before God.
But even more importantly, it has enabled God to reveal His grace and love as well as His power and holiness. He is now not only "Our Creator" but also "Our Redeemer and Saviour", through the wonderful gift of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose again.”
(The UFOs or Machines of Unknown Purpose Appear)
Could an alien deception be part of the end times?
The prophet Ezekiel described a vision of God that appeared to him by the shores of the Chebar River. In the 6th-century b.c. Strange creatures with four wings and four faces appeared in the air amid clouds and fire.
Accompanying the creatures were machines of unknown purpose; wheels within wheels (or hoops within hoops), with mysterious “eyes” set all around their periphery. The wheels or hoops could fly about in the air, and as Ezekiel watched they settled briefly on the ground and then rose up. Their only apparent function was to accompany the winged creatures, whose movements they shadowed.
For decades, stories of alien abductions, UFO encounters, flying saucer sightings, and Area 51 have led millions of people to believe that extraterrestrials are secretly among us. But what if those millions of people are all wrong? What if the UFO phenomenon has much darker and far more ominous origins?
(The 200 Fallen Angels and More)
(This Is An Important Fact)
Within the" Second Heaven" the hierarchy of fallen angels rule over the "Powers and Principalities" who are not fallen angels but "Disembodied Demons" who when alive had bodies initially conceived through the unholy union between the 200 fallen angels and deceived earth women.
Here is One of My First Writings On The Subject: CLICK HERE
The Book of Enoch discovered with the Dead Sea Scrolls reveals the story of the 200 fallen angels (Watchers) who split from the others and made a pact to do something heinous - abduct human women for deviant sexual purposes, which was an abomination for angels, fallen or otherwise, who were forbidden to have sexual relations with humans.
The Book of Enoch goes on to state that the offspring of the unholy unions were the freakish hybrid giants whose skeletons have been found all over the world (ranging generally up to 35 feet tall). The archaeological record is full of them and some were documented by reputable scientists before it became the practice in the early 1900s to pretend they don’t exist and conceal the evidence.
Many have been studying these subjects extensively for some time and have documented many of the skeletal finds going all the way back to reports from the ancient Greeks. The finds have been suppressed by mainstream archaeology, which refuses to concede that it has lost the battle to prove the theory of evolution, which these discoveries (amongst a preponderance of other evidence) refute.
Apart from the matter of the descendants (offspring) of the fallen angels, there is the larger question of which group of people most bear the DNA of the Watchers, DNA which shows signs of being associated with an evil activity.
Scientists have found what they have termed the “God Gene.” It is a gene that makes it easier to believe in things that are unseen. How much of a leap would it be to expect to find a gene associated with evil behavior (if it has not been found already)?
Many are engaged in research that more directly addresses the question of which group of people have DNA connected to the offspring of fallen angels. Thinking logically, all people on earth but eight were destroyed during "Noah's Flood" except eight.
If this DNA gene survived the flood it had to be through one of the three wives of Noah's sons because the bible stated that Noah's bloodline who his wife came was pure. However, it was stated that all other bloodlines had become corrupt and the son's wives would have been in this category.
One of the few things archaeologists agree on is that advanced civilization appeared suddenly out of nowhere on the planet approximately 50,000 years ago with advanced science, mathematics, astronomy, legal system, agriculture, etc, (the Sumerians).
This is supported by the Bible which states that the fallen angels came to Earth. Note: The Neanderthals suddenly appeared also. Connecting the dots, the Neanderthals were the offspring of the rapes of human women by the fallen ones.
Science no longer considers Neanderthal cavemen as you probably know. We have discovered they were intelligent, buried their dead with ceremony and we have even found what has been determined to be a Neanderthal makeup container in Spain which still bore makeup very much like today.
They made music too as evidenced by a Neanderthal flute found. In all likelihood, the Neanderthals were adolescent giants, the giants the Bible speaks of and which the archaeological record attests to.
I reference the Bible because interestingly, it has been found by all objective researchers both secular and theological to be 100% reliable in its historical accuracy and predictions which in itself is remarkable.
(DNA Reveals The Key)
Therefore it appears that everyone who has Neanderthal DNA within them (many of us) has fallen angel DNA. Our genome has been polluted. Our inordinate amount of genetic variances are the primary result of this interbreeding.
The DNA of chimpanzees is 98% similar to ours, however, they have less than 200 genetic disorders. We have 6,000! Advances are continually being made in our understanding of these matters. Many will continue to update as new information becomes available.
A hypothesis that begs to be answered has to do with whether individuals possessing the largest percentage of Neanderthal DNA are predisposed to certain behaviors. There is evidence to suggest such a correlation.
Since the beginning, instances of fallen angels visiting the earth have been witnessed and recorded. We know from Eve’s encounter with Satan that fallen angels are interested in monitoring (and altering) the progress of humanity.
They want to be involved, with the goal of drawing humanity away from the worship of God and turning mankind’s attention instead to them. Once again another notable instance of their interaction with us is found in Genesis 6:4 with the arrival of the "Sons of God or 200 Fallen Angels."
(The Genesis Account)
The Genesis account states that these powerful beings had sexual intercourse with women and produced a super race of beings known as the Nephilim. This sounds like the stuff of science fiction, yet it is right there in the Bible. There are striking similarities between this account and the accounts of other ancient cultures.
The writings of the ancient Sumerians, for example (who were the first to produce a written language), mention the presence of the “Anunnaki” who were deities that came from heaven to dwell on earth with men. It is also interesting to note that the Sumerians’ gods often came to them in the form of snakes.
These accounts, seen alongside the amazing things created by ancient man, make it possible to theorize that demons, in the form of beings from another world, came to earth, bringing spectacular wisdom and knowledge to men, and “intermarrying” with their daughters in an attempt to draw men away from God.
We already see from Eve’s experience with the serpent that dark entities of this sort will use the temptation of superior wisdom to ensnare a man and that man is very susceptible to it.
(We Are Viewing End Time Deceptions)
Could an alien deception be part of the end times? CLICK HERE
Could the end times include a similar alien deception? The Bible doesn’t directly address the issue, but it is certainly plausible, for a variety of reasons. First, the Bible tells us that the world will unite under the power of the Antichrist.
In order to achieve an agreement between all the world’s religions, it would make sense for the “uniter” to come from an entirely new source; an extraterrestrial source. It is hard to imagine one religion becoming head of all the others unless new, unearthly knowledge were the source of the appeal and power of the new “religion.”
This would be in keeping with past deceptions and would be a very effective way to deceive a large number of people. Second, this deception could provide an answer to the problem of earth’s origins. The scientific theory that the evolution of life on earth was spontaneously generated still has no answer for life’s beginnings.
There is evidence for a “big bang,” but that still doesn’t explain what caused the big bang to occur. If alien beings arrived and gave us an extraterrestrial explanation for life on earth, the origins of the world religions, and even the origins of our planet, it would be very persuasive.
That said, we should not fear. The Lord has said that He will not leave us or forsake us and that He will protect us (1 Kings 8:57; Matthew 10:31; Isaiah 41:10). Demons/angels are not omnipotent, nor are they omnipresent.
Jesus said that in the end times His appearance would be like lightning and easily visible to all. He said to be wary of any being that says “I am the Christ” or any group that says “He’s over there” or “He’s in here” (Matthew 24:23-24). He said that vultures gather around a dead body, meaning that if you see a group of people gathering around someone claiming to be Christ, that person is death- incarnate and a false prophet.
We should be wary of any person or being that produces signs and wonders without biblical fidelity or the presence of obedience to the Lord Jesus, anyone who provides a way to unite the world religions or governments (Revelation 13:5-8), any being that promotes unnatural sexual relationships (Genesis 6:4; Jude 1:6-7), and of course, any person who denies that Jesus is God (2 John 1:7).
(Deceptions or False Christ)
Furthermore, anyone who presents a “substitute” Jesus, who represents Him as “a god but not the God” or who claims He was merely a good teacher, simply a human, or even a super-human or a dark side creature, who is a deceiver.
Lastly, if disembodied demons manifesting as aliens are part of the end times, we should remember that they, too, are created beings subject to a sovereign God and ultimately answerable to Him. Whether in alien form or not, the descriptions of demons in Revelation are frightening (Revelation 9:1-12), but we should not fear those who can only kill the body.
Instead, we should only fear the One who can kill the body and the soul in hell (Matthew 10:28). No matter what happens to us on the earth, we should trust that the Lord is the Savior, Redeemer, and Protector of the souls of those who put their trust in Him (Psalm 9:10; 22:5).
In Closing: Below are two videos that may be of interest to you.
FCF Bible Institute: October 2019 (The Great Deception) CLICK HERE
The Fall of Angels Books of Enoch and Jasher Retold CLICK HERE
REMEMBER: The "UFOs Are Machines of Unknown Purposes" In The Past Utilized By Good Angelic Beings or Fallen Angelic Beings
Below you will two videos about Isaiah's and Ezekiel's teaching of the Pre-Adamite world along with six points of knowledge that everyone should know.
Point One - The Pre-Adamite World and the overthrown first social system
Point Two - There was the free moral agency of Angels and later mankind
Point Three - Witness earth's first sinful career
Point Four - Isaiah's and Ezekiel's teaching of the Pre-Adamite world
Point Five - The original earth overthrow as per Jeremiah, Jesus, and Peter
Point Six - The overthrow of pre-Adamite world-teaching via Paul and John
For teaching of the Pre-Adamite world CLICK HERE For The Video
Next is vital information about the earth before Adam and Eve CLICK HERE
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