(First Blog Post) - A "New Coming Millionaire Class

Based on Silver and "The Fourth Dimension

First off let's comprehend your future via a fourth dimension perspective, even though there are eleven total dimensions. The following video, charts, and information trails will place things in a somewhat ordered fashion for you.  

First A Habit You Simply MUST Develop CLICK HERE

Now there is a coming "New Coming Millionaire Class" and virtually anyone with future vision and wisdom will participate in it. 

You don't have to already have money to participate; however, you must have enough vision to start purchasing silver coins one by one and if possible in larger quantities. 

What the average thinking person on the street without vision is not aware of is that there will be a massive silver shortage soon. 

As this event commences, the price of one oz. silver coins will soon escalate from $30 to $50 to $600 to $1000 then going off the charts. 

At this point, the average person won't be able to purchase silver because it will be out of their price range. The small vendors will be forced out of the market and Amazon will become the world's premier silver retailer, as "The US Mint" stops printing silver coins.

There are four main factors for this which include the following listed below.

(First) There is a growing industrial demand for silver in the most important economic sectors like energy, healthcare, and technology.

(Second) Solar energy expansion is increasing in the world, especially in India.

(Third) Import duties imposed on gold to India and other international barriers to gold acquisition make silver an accessible and viable alternative for gold investors, hedge funds, and banking institutions. 

(Fourth) The comparative price of gold to silver makes silver the new 'go-to' alternative for jewelers, designers, and investors, with Silver Eagles setting sales records globally on a yearly basis.

(((This Is Blog One)))

Now at first glance of this title, many readers are prompted to do a double-take. There is a reason for this double-take inquisition and that is because this information goes straight through your "Conscious Mind Filters" and directly to "Your Unconscious Mind's" submerged knowledge base. 

This knowledge base is almost like understanding "Fourth Dimensional Knowledge" from our 3D perspective.


In effect, "A Fourth Dimension" is a place you can travel to by going in a direction perpendicular to the third dimension. To the untrained eye, this statement makes absolutely no sense. How could there be a direction that is perpendicular to a three-dimensional space? 

In order to better understand this concept and get a grip on new silver millionaires in the making, we have to slowly work our way through all of the dimensions and analyze what changes are being made between each. 

(The Zeroth Dimension
This is one that we don't often think about. Points are the only dimensional beings that can be correctly understood in the zeroth dimension. 

They have absolutely no dimensions, no width, no length, no height. They are the smallest they could ever be, but also the largest they could ever be at the same time. 

As we look to deepen our understanding of the fourth dimension. We can examine a cube in each dimension as we progress. A cube in the zeroth dimension would simply be a point. 

All of its dimensions are the same in every direction because there are none. The cube still represents a point in space, but that is the extent of its power in the zeroth dimension. Now, let's move into 1-D or "The First Dimension".

(The First Dimension
The transition between the zeroth dimension and the first dimension involves an extrusion in any direction. In the first dimension, everything exists as a line. 

The only thing that differs between objects in the first dimension is their length. Lines all have the same width and the same height, but their length can be varied. If you want to make lines varying thicknesses, then you have to move into 2-dimensional lines

A cube in the first dimension would look like a line with the same length as the said cube, but no width or height values.

(Second Dimension
Transforming a line segment in a direction perpendicular to the 1-dimensional direction brings you into the second dimension

Keep this idea in mind as we expand our dimensional knowledge and notice this perpendicular action repeated as we move through dimensions. 

In the second dimension, our cube can begin to look like a cube, but only just barely. 

A cube would exist as a square in the second dimension. You can, of course, draw a representation of a 3D cube in 2 dimensions, but that isn't what a cube would look like in 2 dimensions. 

Rather this would simply be a representation of the third dimension superimposed on the second. Length and width can be varied in the second dimension, which allows for basic shapes and geometry. 

When we move into the third dimension, the math starts getting more complex.

(Third Dimension
The cube from the second dimension now gets extruded in a third perpendicular direction to both sides of the 2D square. 

To put this in cartesian terms, the 2D square existed in the X and Y directions. Moving into the 3rd dimension extruded that square in the Z direction. 

The third dimension is where our cube actually becomes a cube in our traditional defined sense. The object has dimensions of width, length, and height. 

Throughout all of the dimensions, it is important to note that a cube will maintain all of its basic properties in theory.
All of the angles will be right and all of the sides will be the same. Bringing in another principle of dimensions, we can examine what would occur if the cube was expanded indefinitely. 

When a cube in the third dimension is expanded to infinity, it encompasses the entirety of the 3-dimensional space. 

So far, you should likely grasp these 3 dimensions, after all, they are the dimensions with which we most commonly associate.

(Fourth Dimension)
When we bring the cube into the fourth dimension, we begin to experience some counterintuitive math. 

We extrude the cube in a direction perpendicular to all of the first three. This is impossible within the third dimension because there are only 3 dimensions in which the cube is already expanded. 

When we add the fourth dimension, in order to maintain the properties of the cube of all angles being 90 degrees and all sides being the same, we must extrude in this new dimension.

Trength is another word for trippy or wild; like when something is so insane it could be in the 4th dimension. 

Cubes in the fourth dimension are technically called tesseracts. Objects in 4D differ in length, width, height, and strength. 

Superimposing trength on any of the previous dimensions gives an object in the subsequent dimensions a trength of 0, or a value that is infinitely small.
All of the edges of a tesseract are the same, and all of the angles are right. This makes sense in theory, but when we begin to imagine what a tesseract would look like, we are bound by our 3-dimensional minds. 

To view a tesseract, we have to superimpose this fourth-dimensional object into the third dimension.

The main way we represent a tesseract or fourth-dimensional cube is by projecting it into the third dimension with perspective. 

Below is a tesseract, or fourth-dimensional cube. This is seen by projecting it into the third dimension with a perspective that can be seen below.

This representation isn't what a 4D cube looks like, it is simply what one looks like in perspective viewed from the third dimension. To summarize our understanding of the fourth dimension, objects in 4D vary in value by length, width, height, and strength. 

All of these dimensional measures extend in a direction perpendicular to the previous three. Width is perpendicular to the length, height is perpendicular to width and length, and finally, trength is perpendicular to height, length, and width.

In Being More Informative and Letting You know What Actually Exist, This Video Has "Eleven Dimensions Explained" CLICK HERE  

You must set up an "Amazon Silver and Gold Account" now while you can. Smaller firms are drying up and soon will have nothing to sell, just at the height of the silver demand. 

I personally had to drop three of my silver suppliers during the height of COVID 19 because they could not deliver on orders. 

However, Amazon has jumped into the void and is now filling every order in a timely manner, both nationally and internationallyCLICK HERE


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