Don't Ignore Your Free Message
"Antediluvians or Pre-flood Inhabitants" had precious stones in abundance; Silver and Gold were so abundant that early mankind perverted their usage, in addition to virtually everything else that God provided for them.
Your daily actions in this short time period dictate what you will have an opportunity to do if you are rewarded with eternal life. Only eight people survived life on earth from the "Antediluvians or Pre-flood" populations that inhabited earth. That means that about four billion inhabitants died and only eight individual people were left.
If the growth rate in the pre-Flood world was equal to the growth rate in the year 2000 (0.012), there could have been about 750 million people at the time of the Flood.
However, given the extremely long lifespans prior to the Flood, the growth rate could have been much higher. Increasing the rate by just 0.001 would put the population at close to four billion at the Flood.
The judgment of the Flood caught people unawares, just as the coming judgment (2 Peter 3) will fall on a world that does not expect it.
Earth currently has about seven billion inhabitants. How many of them will be judged with eternal condemnation if the Lord were to return soon?
(Many Will Be Shocked When Rejected)
Many who think that they have eternal life in store for their future will be utterly shocked when this does not happen. If you are currently being deceived by agents of the "Angel of Light", it will be impossible for you to reign and rule with Christ for a thousand years and afterward.
Something to keep in mind about your future is the fact that many are unwittingly undermining their "Glorified Future", by allowing themselves to be deceived by "Angels of Light" posing as "Politicians and Church Clergy".
"The Evil One" would much rather approach us in the guise of something good and not something wicked. If he came at us blatantly, Satan would be easy to resist.
We are more likely to embrace his lies if he approaches us under the guise of the good guy with who everyone believes and identifies regardless of the number of lies that he tells.
(Don't Be Deceived Period)
"The Perfect Deceptions" are manufactured with ease by "Charismatic Manipulative Politicians" and "Skilled Nicolaitans/Preachers/Priest".
The Manipulative Politicians' most potent deceptive tool is massive political rallies at which time subliminal suggestions are placed into the minds of unsuspecting followers. This technique was mastered by "Hitler's Minister of Propaganda" Joseph Goebbels.
As Hitler's Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Goebbels masterminded the Nazi propaganda machine and executed its murderous agenda. And no one believed his message more than Goebbels himself.
Nicolaitans, according to Revelation 2:6 and 15, were known in the cities of Ephesus and Pergamum. They were considered heretical by the mainstream Church, however, their spirit has found itself back inside today's modern churches.
(There Is A Group That God Hates)
Whoever the Nicolaitans were, their doctrine was an abomination to God. He hated their teachings and practices. The lesson for people today is as follows.
God hates as well as loves. Many people today cannot seem to grasp the fact of God’s hatred toward anything contrary to Himself, His character, and His Word. They also fail to see that true love for God means a genuine hatred for whatever God hates.
As we see the moral decay and disregard for the truth continue, we as believers have the glorious opportunity to proclaim the righteousness of God and to uphold the inerrant Scriptures.
We need to take every opportunity to do it! This involves not being deceived by Manipulative Politicians and Nicolaitans disguised as Preachers and Priests.
(Life Before The Flood of Noah)
Before the flood of "Noah's Time Period," the life expectancy of mankind was very different than the ones we experience on earth today. The lifespan was considerably longer because of many factors both known and unknown.
Actually, what could have caused mankind to experience a much longer life before the flood than he would have after it?
The Bible tells us that mankind who existed before the flood such as Adam lived 930 years, Jared lived to 962, and Jared's grandson Methuselah lived the longest in history at 969 years!
Now compare these facts to mankind after the flood as having an average age at death of 317 years for the ten generations following the flood. After the ten generations, mankind only lived to a maximum of 120 years.
Many who refuse to believe in the Bible say that the ages upon death found in the first several chapters of Genesis (which records information before the flood) are nothing but fabrications and tall tales.
Now several things could have contributed to the shorter lifespans of mankind after the flood. The earth after the flood was dramatically different than it was before it. Scripture denotes that the waters God brought on the earth destroyed not only animals and human life but dramatic changes took place.
The differences included the altering of the climate, atmospheric changes, changes in the hydrologic cycle, geologic features, a significant increase in harmful radiation reaching ground level, man's dietary habits went from solely plant-based to one where meat was eaten, and so on. These and many other factors led to man's much shorter lifespans.
(The Antediluvian Earth Period)
These antediluvians had received many rich gifts from God, but they used the bounties granted them by Divine Providence to minister to their own selfish desires and turned them into a curse by fixing their thoughts and affections upon the gifts instead of the Giver.
They had goodly trees of great variety and almost without limit; but of these, they made temples, where they reveled in scenes of pleasure and wickedness.
Gold, silver, and precious stones were in abundance; but they used these also to gratify the desires of their own proud hearts. These same precious metals and silver, in particular, will sustain individuals with vision in "The Last Days", while others without foresight will fall into pits of poverty.
(There Were A Faithful Few)
The whole world was not corrupt. There were a few faithful witnesses for God. Methuselah, Enoch, Noah, and many others labored to keep alive on the earth the knowledge of the true God and to stay the tide of moral evil.
God declared that His Spirit should not always strive with guilty men, but that their probation should be a hundred and twenty years; if they did not then cease to pollute with their sins the world and its rich treasures, He would blot them from His creation; and these faithful ministers of righteousness gave the warning message.
But the light was not heeded, and the preaching of Noah and his co-laborers impressed hearts less and less. Many, even of the worshipers of God, had not sufficient moral power to stand against the corrupting influences of the age and were beguiled into sin by the bewitching allurements that were constantly before them.
(Then The Antediluvian Vegetation Destroyed)
In effect, at length, the patience of God was exhausted. By their obstinate resistance to the reproofs of conscience and the warnings of God’s messengers, that generation filled up the measure of their iniquity and became ripe for destruction.
Because mankind had perverted His gifts, God would deface and destroy the things with which He delighted to bless them; He would sweep away the beasts of the field and the rich vegetation which furnished such an abundant supply of food and transform the fair earth into one vast scene of desolation and ruin.
Then it was to come to past that guilty humans should utterly perish in the overthrow of the world upon which he had set his affections. They were given 120 years warning of what was to happen if they did not correct their evil nature.
(The Antediluvians Reaction To Noah’s Message)
The message given by Noah included the building of that strange boat (The Ark) which called forth the strange questions from the populations. This was God's design based on many factors; it excited the curiosity of the people, however, their minds were still closed to the truth that Noah preached about what was to come.
Crowds of people came from all parts of the world to see the strange and wonderful structure and heard the message of condemnation and the promise of deliverance, to no avail.
When Noah's voice was lifted in warning of what God was about to bring upon the world in judgment because of the wickedness of mankind, great opposition was manifested against the words of the messenger, just like in today's time.
The opposition, however, was not entirely worldwide; for some believed the message of Noah, and zealously repeated the warning.
But the humans who were accounted wise were sought and were urged to present arguments by which the message of Noah might be counteracted. In other words, they just wanted to argue and not learn.
The talented men of Noah’s time set themselves in the league against God’s will and purpose and scorned the message and the messenger that He had sent.
It was true that Noah could not controvert their philosophies, or refute the claims of science so-called, but he could proclaim the Word of God; for he knew it contained the infinite wisdom of the Creator.
However, as he sounded the message that he was given virtually everywhere, it lost its force and reality because mankind of the world treated him with ridicule and contempt.
(Not All Antediluvians Were Idolaters)
Mankind hated Noah, not because of his holy integrity and unwavering adherence to God’s commands, Noah was counted singular indeed and made himself an object of contempt and derision by answering to the claims of God without a questioning doubt. In other words, they would have followed "A Big Lie".
Noah was tested and tried thoroughly and yet he preserved his integrity in the face of the world, as all were against him. Thus will it be when the Son of Man shall be revealed. The saved will be few, as is represented by Noah and his family.
The world might have believed the warnings. God’s Spirit was striving with them to lead them to faith and obedience, but their own wicked hearts turned aside from the counsel of God and resisted the pleadings of infinite love.
They continued their empty ways, as usual, eating, drinking, planting, and building, up to the very day Noah entered into the ark.
Men in Noah’s day were not all absolute idolaters, but in their idolatry, they professed to know God, and in the grand images they had created, their plan was to represent God before the world.
The class who professed to acknowledge God were the ones who took the lead in rejecting the preaching of Noah and through their influence leading others to reject it.
To everyone comes the time of test and trial. While Noah was warning the inhabitants of the world of the coming destruction, it was their day of opportunity and privilege to become wise unto salvation.
But "The Angel of Light" had control of the minds of mankind. They set light and truth for darkness and error. Noah seemed to them to be a fanatic. They did not humble their hearts before God but continued their occupation the same as if God had not spoken to them through His servant Noah.
But Noah stood like a rock amid the pollution and wickedness surrounding him and wavered not in his faithfulness. He stood amid the scoffs and jeers of the world, an unbending witness for God, his meekness and righteousness shining brightly in contrast to the crime and intrigue and violence surrounding him.
(Many Concluded The Flood Was Impossible)
Noah connected with God, and he was strong in the strength of infinite power. For one hundred and twenty years he daily presented God’s warning in regard to events which, so far as human wisdom was concerned, could not take place.
The world before the Flood reasoned that for centuries the laws of nature had been fixed; the recurring seasons had come and gone in regular order. The rain had never yet fallen, but a mist or dew had fallen upon the earth, causing vegetation to flourish.
The rivers and brooks had never passed their boundary but had borne their waters safely to the great sea. Fixed decrees had kept the waters from overflowing their banks. In effect, everything was in order and they did not believe anything would change.
Mankind began to feel secure and to talk of the fixed laws of nature. They reasoned then as men reason now, as though nature was above the God of nature, that her ways were so fixed that God Himself would not or could not change them, thus making God’s messages of warning of none effect because, should His word be fulfilled, the course of nature would be disturbed.
Mankind before the flood sought to quiet their consciences, which the Spirit of God had aroused, by arguing how impossible it was for the message of Noah to be true. They reasoned that a flood bringing on a deluge upon the world was impossible.
They reasoned that it was not in accordance with the character of God to save Noah and his family, only eight persons in that vast world, and let all the rest be swept out of existence by the waters of the flood.
Oh, no. There were great men and good men on the earth. If they did not believe as Noah did, Noah was deceived. It could not be otherwise. Here were the philosophers, the scientific men, the learned men.
All could see no consistency in this message of warning. This fanciful doctrine was an illusion of the brain. If this was the truth the wise men surely would know something about it. Would all of these learned men perish from the face of the earth and Noah be found the only one worthy of being spared?
But the days before the flood steal silently on like a thief in the night. Noah is now making his last effort in warnings, entreaty, and appeal to the rejecters of God’s message.
With a tearful eye, trembling lip, and quivering voice, he makes his last entreaty for them to believe and secure refuge in the ark. But they turn from him with impatience and contempt that he should be so egotistical as to suppose his family is the only ones right in the vast population of the earth.
They have no patience with his warnings, with his strange work of building an immense boat on dry ground. Noah, they said, was insane. Reason, science, and philosophy assured them Noah was a fanatic. None of the wise men and honored of the earth believed the testimony of Noah.
(Extinct Animals, Vegetation, & Landscapes Existed Pre-Flood)
Today from time to time pre-flood unusual animal bones are dug up. Also, before the flood, there were immense forests. The trees were many times larger than any trees which we now see. They were of great durability.
There were unusual "Antediluvian Flora and Landscapes" The hills, mountains, and very beautiful plains were adorned with plants and flowers, and tall, majestic trees of every description, which were many times larger and much more beautiful than trees now are.
Trees that are now extinct existed before the flood. The heights were crowned with trees more majestic than any that now exist. The quality of Antediluvian Wood from Antediluvian Giant Trees far surpassed in size, beauty, and perfect proportion any now to be found.
Their wood was of fine grain and hard substance, closely resembling stone, and hardly less enduring. There were many giants, men of great stature and strength, renowned for wisdom, skillful in devising the most cunning and wonderful works.
(Fossils & Artifacts from Antediluvian Times Were Found)
Bones of men and animals are found in the earth, in mountains, and in valleys, showing that much larger men and beasts once lived upon the earth.
I was shown that very large, powerful animals existed before the flood which does not now exist. Instruments of warfare are sometimes found; also petrified wood.
Because the bones of human beings and of animals found in the earth are much larger than those of men and animals now living, or that have existed for many generations past, some conclude that the world is older than we have any scriptural record of, and was populated long before the record of creation by a race of beings vastly superior in size to men now upon the earth during "The First Earth Age" before the one that Adam and Eve occupied.
(Antediluvian Humans & Animals Were Buried by The Flood)
God so ordered that men, beasts, and trees, many times larger than those now upon the earth, and other things, should be buried in the earth at the time of the flood, and there be preserved to evidence to the man that the inhabitants of the old world perished by a flood.
God designed that the discovery of these things on the earth should establish the faith of men in inspired history. Bones of men and animals, as well as instruments of warfare, petrified trees, and much larger ones than any that now exist, or that have existed for thousands of years, have been discovered, and from this, it is inferred that the earth was populated long before the time brought to view in the record of creation, and by a race of beings vastly superior in size to any men now living.
(An explanation for Fossils Found In the Earth)
It is true that remains found in the earth testify to the existence of men, animals, and plants much larger than any now known. These are regarded as proving the existence of vegetable and animal life prior to the time of the Mosaic record.
But concerning these things, Bible history furnished ample explanation. Before the flood, the development of vegetable and animal life was immeasurably superior to that which has since been known. At the flood the surface of the earth was broken up, marked changes took place, and in the reformation of the earth’s crust were preserved many pieces of evidence of the life previously existing.
(Antediluvian Arts Were Buried by Waters of The Flood)
There perished in the flood greater inventions of art and human skill than the world knows of today. The arts destroyed were more than the boasted arts of today. The great gifts with which God had endowed man were perverted.
There was silver and gold in abundance, and men were constantly seeking to exceed their fellow men in devices. The result was that violence was upon the earth. The Lord was forgotten. This long-lived race was constantly devising how they might contend with the universe of heaven and gain possession of Eden.
When men talk of the improvements that are made in higher education, they are aping the inhabitants of the Noachian world. They are yielding to the temptation of Satan to eat of the tree of knowledge, of which God has said, “Ye shall not eat of it, lest ye die.”
God gave men a trial, and the result was the destruction of the world by a flood. In this age of the world’s history, there are teachers and students who suppose that their advancement in knowledge supersedes the knowledge of God, and their cry is, “Higher education.” They consider that they have greater knowledge than the greatest Teacher the world has ever known.
(Works of Art and Science Buried by the Flood)
In the antediluvian world, there were many wonderful works of art and science. Fresh from the hand of the Creator, these descendants of Adam possessed capabilities that we do not now see or have the ability to recreate.
(Prepare For The Coming Economic Correction)
If you have not already started securing silver for the coming "Economic Correction" do it now. Don't be like the "Know It All's" who rejected Noah's passage upon his Ark. CLICK HERE
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