Five Simple Mind Programming Steps 

That Will Secure Your Financial Future

Before I reveal the five simple steps there is some general information that you need to know, if these five simple steps are to be of any use to you at all. 

If you are continent being average, normal, or mediocre when it comes to your financial life the information in this communication will go in one ear and out the other, because regardless of any positive information that I or anyone else reveals to you, fear, doubt, and unbelief will block it.

On the other hand, if you truly desire to become financially secure within two to three years' time; then pay attention, follow five simple steps, and comprehend the rationale behind this simple theory. 

For lack of a better term, individuals who engage in these five simple steps are what I consider to be visionaries. The following video will throw some light on the subject.

The Law of Attraction CLICK HERE

I have compiled a list of some of the best creative thinkers throughout history known for their innovative and curious nature who were visionaries that internalized simple procedures which were integral parts to achieving an ultimate goal. 

They include Charles Dickens, Raphael, Michael Faraday, Baruch Spinoza,  Michelangelo, Desiderius Erasmus, Rene Descartes, Galileo Galilei, John Stuart Mill, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Albert Einstein & his first wife Mileva Einstein-Maric.

There is a global situation that the world is in that will reach critical mass towards the end of 2021 and will become dire during 2022 upwards. 

The ticking global situation is an unfillable need for more world silver to fill a multitude of different functions. Ironically as the industrial /medical needs go up so does the price of the individual coins that the simple investors own.

Based on the situational variables of the individual coin owner's intuitiveness, there is a natural portal for brand new individual coin owners to secure a very lucrative financial future, provides they do five things. 

First off you noticed that I said new individual coin owners and not established coin owners. The five steps for new individual coin owners will be revealed to you.

Something to keep in mind is that silver has both industrial and investment applications, meaning that silver demand comes from a variety of different places. 

Silver is known as the most versatile precious metal, and silver demand is driven by end-uses ranging from silverware to medicine. Industrial and technological uses for silver account for well over half of annual global demand, spurred by the metal’s strength, malleability, and ductility.

WHAT Does This Mean?

Across the globe, coin dealers are scrambling to fill orders amid massive silver shortages; As the severity of this deepens, silver investors stand to profit considerably from the coming overall silver shortage. 

Silver dealers all over are running out of the “white shiny” product fast.  Buyers are waiting months for the delivery of coins, bars, and junk silver.

In fact, silver supplies all over the world are at their lowest levels in 200 years and dropping fast.  Right now there are less than 200 million ounces of above-ground silver reserves.

With those facts being known, we as thinking entities need to realize that there is an actualization process that is triggered by the subliminal mind that brings events to pass on a higher plane of existence; some may even translate this plane of existence as tapping into the 4th dimension.

With that being said, how to trigger your subconscious mind to tap into this 4th dimension requires your actions to be deliberate and methodical. 

It is important to start retraining your mind to be your ally, not your enemy. 

11 Silver Flashpoints  CLICK HERE

Five Simple Mind Programming Steps 

(First) Be willing to see the unchangeable change. - "Simply Fight Fear, Doubt, and Unbelief"

(Second) Give yourself permission to be successful. - "Simply Fight Fear, Doubt, and Unbelief"

(Third) Don't allow other people's fears to cast shadows of doubt. - "Simply Fight Fear, Doubt, and Unbelief"

(Fourth) Surround yourself with positive reinforcement. - "Simply Fight Fear, Doubt, and Unbelief"

(Fifth) Take the first step and buy one coin from Amazon today. - "Without Doing This The Other Four Won't Work"

(Here Are Some Facts To Keep In Mind)

Global demand for silver will rise to 1.025 billion ounces this year being 2021, its highest in eight years. This happens as investors and industry purchasers ramp up on purchasing needs. Meanwhile, the Silver Institute recently finished predicting that prices would rise to unprecedented levels.

The coronavirus outbreak triggered a rush among investors to stockpile silver, which like gold is traditionally seen as a safe place to store money.
That impetus will continue, the institute said, predicting purchases of bars and coins would rise to a six-year high of 257 million ounces in this year being 2021.

Finally: You must take that first step and purchase at least one silver coin today at any price. Not tomorrow or next week because there is a reason for this action. Failure to take this action will send a message to your subconscious mind that you are not serious about really building wealth.

It does not matter if you buy one coin or multiple coins. You must do it to activate the subconscious process of events so that your goal can become a reality. To Order Your coin CLICK HERE 

Also, once you order your coin of any size or any price through Amazon, you will have established your buyer's account. 

As the prices start to rise exponentially, the smaller dealers won't take on new customers, and the large dealers like Amazon will only interact with established customers, when it comes to silver and gold buying and selling



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