A word to the wise; Simply take one dollar and utilize it to connect to a system that will ease many of your financial worries expeditiously. YOU HAVE EVERYTHING TO GAIN AND NOTHING TO LOSE!

The Bottom Line To Prosperity For $1.00.

The1DollarThing offers everyone an opportunity to achieve Financial Independence. The1DollarThing has everything you need in a "home-based" business. The business plan is simple, it's affordable, it's duplicable and it's easy to get started.

Whether you team up with us or not we would like to leave you a few final thoughts.

What would you do with your life if you had all the time and all the money you need? If time or money was no object, where would you spend your next vacation? What kind of car would you drive? What kind of house would live in? How much time would you spend doing the things you really enjoy?

We all, each and every one of us dream and hope that tomorrow will be better than today. We all want to be greater than we are, do better than we do, and have more than we have. But, the hard part is turning those dreams into reality ~ those hopes into accomplishments.

Most of us, day after day and week after week, find ourselves so bogged down with the daily routine of life, that we never really seem to have time to spend on the projects that mean the most to us. As the days go by, we end up getting further and further from our goals, often settling for much less than we had originally hoped for.

How many times in your life did you tell yourself... "Someday I will do this or Someday I will do that." But that someday has never come. Whether it's poor economic conditions or bad timing or inadequate financing or whatever the reason might be.

The1DollarThing is here to tell you that your SOMEDAY is here.


What's Best?

Multiple business ventures or just one?

Picture of the global network There's an old adage in the Referral Marketing industry that says you should only work for and devote yourself to one company.

We're here to challenge that old adage.

We are suggesting that carefully selected and complimentary network marketing business ventures can increase your level of success and allow you to take advantage of having multiple streams of income.

The1DollarThing is the perfect company for anyone who wants to leverage their efforts and start another business.

You know that Timing Is Everything!

The right time is NOW

The right Opportunity is The1DollarThing

"Our marketing team is exploding!"

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Expand Your Future: CLICK HERE


Life Is Too Short To Be Taken Seriously


As a professional, whether you are a Doctor, a Lawyer, a CPA, a Chiropractor, etc. you know that even with a lucrative practice, you only get paid when you treat patients or help clients. 

More and more professionals are realizing the value of having a second income that is residual - where they get paid monthly even when they are not working, and they are joining referral marketing companies. They see the wisdom of having more than one source of income.

They see referral marketing as a way to spend more time with family, retire in style, and secure their family's financial independence. And in many cases, they see Network marketing as a way to supplement their income so they can do what they love - help more people and not have to worry about income.

With today’s economy, millions of people are considering alternatives for earning money. As a result, The1DollarThing is on the brink of a gigantic wave that will financially change the lives of thousands and thousands of people all across the globe.

Referral Marketing is the perfect way to secure financial security for you, your family, and your business.

We’d like to invite you to join The1DollarThing where you have the potential to turn a monthly membership fee of just $1.00 into a monthly commission check of over $7,000.00.

We are a group of like-minded entrepreneurs working together to create multiple streams of income and find true Financial Freedom for ourselves and for others.

You know that TIMING IS EVERYTHING! You are in the right place at the right time. Become part of this Terrific Opportunity today.

The right time is NOW

The right Opportunity is The1DollarThing

Expand Your Future: CLICK HERE


How would you like to be able to pay off your student loans?

How would you like to have an $85,000/year income by the time you graduate or even before you graduate?

You can achieve a financial foundation beyond your wildest dreams simply by doing what you do every day - word-of-mouth referring -telling friends about a new movie, restaurant, book or pub.

Referral Marketing - also called "Network Marketing" - is tapping into the power of word-of-mouth marketing which is the most effective form of advertising in the world. Instead of committing vast sums of money for huge advertising campaigns, network marketing companies pay their distributors commissions for word-of-mouth referrals.

Picture of College Students Whether your goal is a new car, a vacation of a lifetime, simply earning a few dollars per month, or earning a secure income - you are at the right place at the right time.

All you need to do is join The1DollarThing, use our great products and then tell your friends. Once they join, help them refer friends. Once the levels are filled you will be earning commissions of more than $7,000/month EVERY month.

Network Marketing is not only smart - it's fun. At the same time, you are creating wealth for yourself, you are helping your friends become wealthy.

In these hard economic times, college graduates are finding it harder and harder to find a job. You can create a recession-proof income in your spare time.

So, do your homework, read the information on this website, get your questions answered, and JOIN US TODAY!

Students, you need to remember, "Success Is A Journey Not A Destination!" 

Expand Your Future: CLICK HERE


Teaching is the most important profession in the world. Yet teachers are one of the most underpaid professions. We would like to show teachers how to leverage a little time and a small amount of money into a profitable second income.

Picture of a teacher With today’s economy, millions of people from all walks of life are being forced to consider alternatives for earning money. As a result, Network Marketing is on the brink of a gigantic wave that will financially change the lives of thousands and thousands of people. 

Ordinary people are already turning their lives around - finding hope, independence, and the freedom to spend more time with their family and friends.

Referral Marketing is a way to make enough money to not only pay your bills but to dramatically change your life and make your dreams come true!

How would you like to leverage $1/month into a very profitable stream of income? Would you like to save money on groceries and other things you buy every day AND be able to earn commissions of over $7,000/month - EVERY month?

Join The1DollarThing and you’ll be on the road to financial freedom!

Research has shown that teachers are the best marketers. Teachers are great students and teachers are great at teaching and that's what Referral Marketing is all about - working with people and learning from those who have been successful and teaching others how to be successful.

Our marketing team is made up of people from all walks of life – we are eager to help you get started. We hope you’ll join us!

You know that TIMING IS EVERYTHING! You are in the right place at the right time. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! Join this Terrific Opportunity today.

The right time is NOW
The right Opportunity is The1DollarThing

"Our marketing team is exploding!"

Expand Your Future: CLICK HERE


With today's economy, millions of people from all walks of life are being forced to consider alternatives for earning money. As a result, Network Marketing is on the brink of a gigantic wave that will financially change the lives of thousands and thousands of people.

Ordinary people are already turning their lives around - finding hope, independence, and the freedom to spend more time with their family and friends.

As a sales representative, you are already experienced at dealing with people. Network marketing is the perfect part-time vehicle for you to create more wealth.

You can start out part-time, devoting 5-10 hours a week. Then do what so many others have done - build your business, and before long you can be making more money than you ever dreamed of. With The1DollarThing you can make up to $7,000.00 a month!

TIMING IS EVERYTHING! People who position themselves today for tomorrow's growth are going to cash in on the most powerful economic trend of the century.

The right time is NOW
The right Opportunity is The1DollarThing

"Our marketing team is exploding!"
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Where will you be financially in three years if you continue doing what you are doing today?

It's your move...

Expand Your Future: CLICK HERE


How would you like to leverage a small amount of your tip money into a very Profitable Income Stream?

Would you like to save money on groceries and other things you buy every day AND be able to earn commissions of over $7,000/month - EVERY month? Join The1DollarThing and you'll be on the road to success!

Picture of a waitress With Today's economy, millions of people from all walks of life are being forced to consider alternatives for earning money. As a result, Network Marketing is on the brink of a gigantic wave that will financially change the lives of thousands and thousands of people. Ordinary people are already turning their lives around - finding hope, independence, and the freedom to spend more time with their family and friends.

Network marketing is a way to make enough money to not only pay your bills, but to dramatically change your life and make your dreams come true!

As a waitress, you are already experienced at dealing with people. Network Marketing is all about working with people - gaining personal success by helping others. It is the perfect part-time business for you to create more wealth.

You can start out part-time, devoting 5-10 hours a week. Then do what so many others have done - build your business, and before long you can be making more money than you have ever dreamed of.

TIMING IS EVERYTHING! People who position themselves today for tomorrow's growth are going to cash in on the most powerful economic trend of the century.

The right time is NOW
The right Opportunity is The1DollarThing

"Our marketing team is exploding!"
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Where will you be financially in three years if you continue doing what you are doing today?

It's your move...

Expand Your Future: CLICK HERE


Mothers have the most important and hardest job in the world. All too often mothers have to work outside the home and are unable to spend as much time with their children as they would like. They are forced to try to be superwomen, being all things to all people. 

There is a way to make life much easier for Moms by having a home-based business that can start off part-time and grow to generate an income that exceeds what they are currently making working outside the home.

Mothers, how would you like to leverage $1/month into a very profitable stream of income? Would you like to save money on groceries and other things you buy every day AND be able to earn commissions of over $7,000/month - EVERY month?

Join The1DollarThing and you'll be on the road to success!

With today's economy, millions of people from all walks of life are being forced to consider alternatives for earning money. As a result, Network Marketing is on the brink of a gigantic wave that will financially change the lives of thousands and thousands of people. 

Ordinary people are already turning their lives around - finding hope, independence, and the freedom to spend more time with their family and friends.

Network Marketing is a way to make enough money to not only pay your bills but to dramatically change your life and make your dreams come true!

As a Mother, Network Marketing is the ideal way for you to work from home and spend more time with your family. For those of you who do not work outside the home, it is a great way to leverage the extra time you have when your kids go back to school. 

No matter what your current situation is, Network Marketing is the perfect part-time business for you to create more wealth than you ever dreamed of.

TIMING IS EVERYTHING! People who position themselves today for tomorrow's growth are going to cash in on the most powerful economic trend of the century.

The right time is NOW

The right Opportunity is The1DollarThing

Our marketing team made up of people from all walks of life – we are eager to help you get started. We hope you’ll join us!

Expand Your Future: CLICK HERE


Let us introduce ourselves. We are a Marketing Company who sells and distributes products all across the U.S. and Canada.

We would like you to be a part of our Marketing Team. Think of us as you would your Broker or Dispatcher. As you are about to notice - - We do things a little different, but One Thing is for sure - "We get results!"

Timing Is everything! Big money is made by getting in on the front end of a revolutionary and unique opportunity. "Our marketing team is exploding!"

We’ve all heard about people who make huge incomes in marketing ,... but "How do they do it?" The "insiders" know that, "When something is HOT, Get Involved early and be one of the FIRST to promote it!"

Let me encourage you to give us a call. We are looking for truckers, friends, etc to help us get our products from coast to coast.

Let me ask you a question or two. How many times has this happened to you? Your Broker or Dispatcher has a load for you going to Chicago, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Dallas, etc. (it doesn’t matter where.) Before you leave he says he has a load for you coming right back. (A great back haul, right?)

He wants you to call him when you reach your destination and when you get there and call him, he no longer has that “great back haul!” He makes several "good excuses" and tells you to get some rest and call him the first thing in the morning. 

You call the next morning and he puts the secretary on the phone to tell you to call back in an hour. She tells you that he is on the phone talking to ABC Company, about getting you a back haul. 

(In reality he is probably finishing his donuts and coffee.) Later that afternoon he finally gets you a load 150 miles from where you are, going in the opposite direction. You take it because you need the money.

Does this story sound familiar?

What do you do with your down time?

Let us show you a way to turn your down time into a Money Making Opportunity.

Another question by the way. How much money did you earn last year? I’m talking about net dollars, after you purchased tires, fuel, insurance, permits, serviced the rig, and last but not least – taxes!

What if you had a group of Professional Marketing guys that could help you earn some money to offset your fixed expenses?

Once again, we would like you to join our team. We would like you to help spread this opportunity from coast to coast.

TIMING IS EVERYTHING! Big money is made by getting in on the front end of a revolutionary and unique opportunity.

"Our marketing team is exploding!"

Once again, we ask you to give us a call- check us out.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Expand Your Future: CLICK HERE


It is wise - especially these days - to have more than one source of income. Having just one business or one job no longer assures security. Instead, you need several streams of income from diversified sources producing money for you, year after year, with minimal effort on your part.

With today's economy, millions of people from all walks of life are being forced to consider alternatives for earning money. As a result, Network Marketing is on the brink of a gigantic wave that will financially change the lives of thousands of people. Ordinary people are already turning their lives around - finding hope, independence, and the freedom to spend more time with their family and friends.

As a business owner, you know that it takes more than entrepreneurial spirit and skill to succeed in business. It also takes money - money to expand, money to diversify, and money to take advantage of new opportunities.

All too often the financial support your business needs is more than your banker can offer.

Network Marketing is the perfect way to secure financial security for you, your family, AND your business.

We would like to invite you to join The1DollarThing where you have the potential to turn a monthly membership fee of just $1.00 into a monthly commission check of over $7,000.00 per month, month after month.

We are a group of like-minded entrepreneurs working together to create multiple streams of income and find true Financial Freedom for ourselves and for others.

You know that TIMING IS EVERYTHING! You are in the right place at the right time. Don't wait to become a part of this Terrific Opportunity.

The right time is NOW
The right Opportunity is The1DollarThing

"Our marketing team is exploding!"
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Expand Your Future: CLICK HERE


Below Is Valuable information That You Need

Lynette Zang Shares How Silver Holders Will Make Millions | Silver to $600  CLICK HERE

Lynette Zang: Silver Will Give 20X ROI From Current Price | Silver to $600+  CLICK HERE 

Time To Double Up Your Silver Before It Becomes Unobtainable  CLICK HERE

You must set up an "Amazon Silver and Gold Account" now while you can. Smaller firms are drying up and soon will have nothing to sell, just at the height of the silver demand. 

I personally had to drop three of my silver suppliers during the height of COVID 19 because they could not deliver on orders. 

However, Amazon has jumped into the void and is now filling every order in a timely manner, both nationally and internationallyCLICK HERE


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