The Lull Before the Storm - Get At Least One Silver Coin To Establish Your Account (TODAY)

Purchasing at least one silver coin today will set the groundwork for your overall silver wealth plan which will start to hyperinflate in a little over one year from now.

Smaller selling firms are drying up and soon will have nothing to sell, just at the height of the silver demand. Amazon is becoming the major global supplier. Set up a free "Amazon Silver and Gold Account" now while you can by purchasing at least one silver coin.

View this first video about "The Lull Before the Storm" CLICK HERE 

View this second video about "11 Silver Flashpoints" CLICK HERE  

Set up a free "Amazon Silver and Gold Account" now by purchasing at least one silver coin. CLICK HERE 

Here Are Vital Reasons To Set That Account Up Today

(Silver is Real Money

Silver may not be part of our currency in all states but the number is growing. Now it is real money; In fact, silver, along with gold, is the ultimate form of money, because it can’t be created out of thin air (and thus depreciated) like paper or digital forms. 

And by real money, we do mean physical silver and not ETFs or certificates or futures contracts. Those are paper investments, which don’t carry the same benefits as real silver.

If you hold physical silver, you don’t need another party to make good on a contract or promise. This is not the case with stocks or bonds or virtually any other investment. Silver has never been defaulted on. 

If you own physical silver, you have no default risk. Not so for almost any other investment you make. Owning some physical silver provides you with a real asset that has served as money for literally thousands of years and the price will skyrocket in the near future.

(Physical Silver is a Hard Asset)

Think about it, of all the investments you own, how many can you hold in your hand? In a world of paper profits, digital trading, and currency creation, physical silver stands in contrast as one of few assets that you can carry in your pocket anywhere you go, even in another country. 

And it can be as private and confidential as you want. Physical silver is also a tangible hedge against all forms of hacking and cybercrime. There’s no “erasing” a Silver Eagle Coin, for example, but that can certainly happen to a digital asset.

(Right Now Silver is Cheap)

What if I said you could buy a hard asset at roughly 1/65th the price of gold and it would protect you just as well against inflation? 

That’s what you get with silver! It is much more affordable for the average investor, and yet as a precious metal will help maintain your standard of living as good as gold during periods of monetary dilution.

If you can’t afford to buy a full ounce of gold, silver can be your ticket to holding some precious metals. This is also true for gift-giving. Don’t want to spend over $1,000 on a present but would like to give a hard asset? Silver just made it more affordable.

(Silver is More Practical For Everyday Small Purchases)

Silver isn’t just cheaper to buy but can be more practical when you need to sell, too. Maybe someday you don’t want to sell a full ounce of gold to meet a small financial need so utilize silver. 

Since it frequently comes in smaller denominations than gold, you can sell only what you want or need at the time. Every investor should have some silver around for this very reason. 

Keep in mind that silver coins and bar bullion can be sold virtually anywhere in the world.

(Silver Outperforms Gold In Bull Markets)

Silver is a very small market, in fact so small, fact, that a little cash moving into or out of the industry can impact the price to a much greater degree than other assets (including gold). 

This greater volatility means that in bear markets, silver falls more than gold. But in bull markets, silver will soar much further and faster than gold. 

Here are a couple of good examples; check out how much more silver gained than gold in the two biggest precious metals bull markets in the modern era. You might say silver is gold on steroids!

We can expect this outperformance to repeat in the next bull market, too, because the silver industry remains tiny.

(Silver Inventories Are Falling)

Governments and other institutions used to hold large inventories of silver. But today, global stockpiles are at record lows. In fact, the only countries that warehouse silver is the US, India, and Mexico.

Look what’s happened to those inventories since 1996. The amount of silver held by governments worldwide is equal to only three weeks of mine supply! 

A big reason governments don’t hold a lot of silver is because coinage is no longer made from precious metal. But if future industrial needs are difficult to meet, governments will be ill-equipped to support them.

(Industrial Use is Growing)

Believe it or not, you don’t go one day without using a product that contains silver. It’s used in nearly every major industry, from electronics and medical applications to batteries and solar panels. Silver is everywhere, whether you see it or not.

“Of all the elements, silver is the indispensable metal. It is the most electronically conductive, thermally conductive, and reflective. Modern life, as we know it, would not exist without silver.”

Due to these rare characteristics, the number of industrial applications for silver has skyrocketed. In fact, the industry now gobbles up more than half of all silver demand.

Silver is used in a wide number of industries and products, and many of those uses are growing. Here are a few examples.

(Example One) - The average cell phone contains about one-third of a gram of silver, and cell phone use continues to climb relentlessly worldwide. 

Gartner, a leading information technology research and advisory company, estimated 5.75 billion cell phones were purchased between 2017 and 2019. 

That means 1.916 billion grams of silver, or 57.49 million ounces, were used in this application alone!

(Example Two) - The average electric vehicle uses between 25-50g of silver per vehicle; almost twice the average of an internal combustion engine. 

And the growth in electric vehicles is projected to be so high that the Silver Institute estimates automotive demand will become the second-largest source of industrial demand for silver by 2024. And the largest source of demand is silver.

(Example Three) - Silver use in photovoltaic cells (the main component of solar panels that generates electricity) was next to zero in 2006, and now gobbles up more silver than any other application. 

And since the cost of solar installation has fallen by 90% during that time, it has only gotten more attractive to both governments and consumers.

(Example Four) - Another common industrial use for silver is as a catalyst for the production of ethylene oxide (an important precursor in the production of plastics and chemicals). 

The Silver Institute projects that due to growth in this industry, a third more silver will be needed by 2025 than what was used in 2020. 

There are a lot more examples like this, but the bottom line is that due to its unique characteristics, industrial uses for silver continue to expand, which means we can reasonably expect this source of demand to remain robust.

(Example Five) - But that’s not the whole story; unlike gold, as much as 30% of silver used by industry is destroyed during the fabrication process, or the product is simply thrown out after use. 

It’s just not economic to recover every tiny flake or sliver of paste from millions of discarded products. 

As a result, that silver is gone for good and limits the amount of supply that can return to the market through recycling. It’s even worse if you look at all the silver ever mined.

(URGENT NEWS) - The bottom line of this communication that you are reading today is to provide you with empirical data that will persuade you to purchase at least one silver coin.


This one purchase will allow you to open up a silver consumer account with Amazon who is destined to be the premier consumer supplier because all smaller suppliers are being forced out of the market. 

It is only a matter of months before the price starts to hyperinflate and at that time you will be priced out of the silver market as an individual established prior purchaser unless you have a pre-opened account before whichever date that they announce. To establish a free account now and not risk being locked out, CLICK HERE 

To view the second video about "11 Silver Flashpoints" AGAIN; CLICK HERE 


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