(The Sixth Blog Post) Coming A New Blockchain Silver/Gold Based Economy 

Silver Prices Will Reach 20x its Current Value Soon CLICK HERE

“If our money were backed by silver and gold, people couldn’t just sit in some fancy building and push a button to create new money. They would have to engage in honest trade with another party that already has some silver and gold in their possession.” by Ron Paul

Although it is too early to call this a sweeping wave of reform, there are a handful of states who have taken Former Congressman Ron Paul’s sound money message to heart. To date, eleven U.S. states have either acknowledged silver and gold U.S. bullion coins as currency or are on their way to accepting the two metals as legal tender. 

A plan extension has state depositories in the works in which consumers who choose to do so could keep their silver/gold in independent depositories and utilize silver/gold debit cards. Each transaction in effect would be recorded on a permanent blockchain. It would be possible to purchase homes, cars, large and small ticket items bypassing banks, sales taxes, and fraud.

Many States Making Silver and Gold  Legal Tender CLICK HERE

(The Legality of Everything)

This shift is rooted in Article 1, Section 10, of the U.S. Constitution, which states that “No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

As of now, seven states have already reinstated silver and gold U.S. coins as currency, with Arizona and West Virginia just recently added to the list. Four additional states have either tried to reinstate silver and gold as legal tender or are currently in the process.

Seven US states have laid the groundwork for what they know is coming in the future. Silver and gold in various forms will be utilized as everyday currency. Most individuals have no idea of what is coming at them in a clandestine fashion.

(The Blockchain Concept)

 We are pretty much aware of the concept of a cryptocurrency-based blockchain economy. The concept has existed since 2009; At that time the first decentralized cryptocurrency, bitcoin, was created by presumably pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto.

The blockchain economy is a scenario and potential future environment in which cryptocurrency replaces current monetary systems, potentially on a global basis. In this scenario, machines will use blockchain to become autonomous market participants with their own bank accounts.

A blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked together using the invention of the blockchain for bitcoin. This invention was made for the first digital currencies to solve all double-spending problems that could arise from this process. Hyper-ledger Grid was started in 2015 to develop open components for blockchain supply chain services.

Tokenizing Silver on the Blockchain CLICK HERE

(A Brief History of Blockchain)

A cryptographically secured chain of blocks is described for the first time by Stuart Haber and W Scott Stornetta.

Computer scientist Nick Szabo works on ‘bit gold’, a decentralized digital currency.

Stefan Konst publishes his theory of cryptographically secured chains, plus ideas for implementation.

Developer(s) working under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto released a white paper establishing the model for a blockchain.

Nakamoto implements the first blockchain as the public ledger for transactions made using bitcoin.

Blockchain technology is separated from the currency and its potential for other financial, inter-organizational transaction theory is explored. Blockchain 2.0 is born, referring to applications beyond currency.

The Ethereum blockchain system introduces computer programs into the blocks, representing financial instruments such as bonds. These become known as smart contracts.

(The Second Generation)

Other blockchains include those that run the several hundred “altcoins” – other similar currency projects with different rules – as well as truly different applications, such as.

Ethereum: the second-largest blockchain implementation after bitcoin. Ethereum distributes a currency called ether, but also allows for the storage and operation of computer code, allowing for smart contracts.

Ripple: a real-time gross settlement system, currency exchange, and remittance network, based on a public ledger.

(Only a Portion of Populations Will Participate)

As you are reading this communication, most individuals will let the information go in one ear and out the other. They will make no effort whatsoever to start securing silver and gold for the great economic reset down the road.

When they do finally come to a realization, the silver/gold prices will be out of their price range, local dealers will stop selling silver/gold coins, the US Mint will stop generating the coins, and at that time counterfeiters and "Dark Web' organizations will take advantage of desperate buyers.
You must view these "11 Silver Flashpoints", in order to grasp what I am talking about. 

(Get Prepared)

You must set up an "Amazon Silver and Gold Account" now while you can. Smaller firms are drying up and soon will have nothing to sell, just at the height of the silver demand. 

I personally had to drop three of my silver suppliers during the height of COVID 19 because they could not deliver on orders. 

However, Amazon has jumped into the void and is now filling every order in a timely manner, both nationally and internationally. CLICK HERE


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